Man, I'm tired...
Think perhaps it might be because it's 1:50 AM CST here? I NEED to go to bed. Don't wanna. I took too long of a nap this afternoon.
Just flew back from Philadelphia last night after being there for some training. Oh my goodness. Waiting and waiting and waiting and waiting for my flight. Something was going on at Chicago O'Hare, because it was majorly backed up. My plane landed at O'Hare at the time I was supposed to catch my connecting flight to Omaha. But, all flights were backed up, so I caught my connection. I was supposed to land in Omaha at 11:25 at night. I landed at 12:45. My actual class was good in Philadelphia. My actual trip back stunk to high heaven.
Oh, if you've been following along, you would have noticed my rant from last month. Not two weeks later, I got some type of ink on my khakis that wouldn't/couldn't come out in the wash. Found some khakis on Eddie Bauer's website that I liked, cool. On sale for $29.99. By the time I went through and paid tax and shipping and handling, it turned out to be $40 and some change. Blah. Not happy about that. But, I do like the khakis.
Okay, I'm really going to go to bed now. Till next time!