Yep...full moon
Ugh. It was sooooo a Monday today. Y'know the Carpenters song "Rainy Days and Mondays (Always Get Me Down)"? Well, it was both today. But we had a nice, soaking rain all day. We desperately needed it. The weathermen around here keep talking about how far behind we are on our annual rainfall average. Not to mention, we're going to be in the triple digits this weekend, supposedly. Softball on Friday will not be fun. Softball! That's a whole 'nother story from this past weekend...that...well...I won't tell till the whole thing clears up.
Why is it the week before vacation, a kabillion things are thrown on your plate at work to get finished before you leave? I feel like running around like a chicken with my head cut off. Not to mention, laundry and packing for the trip. And yes, we are yet again headed to the Great White North! Okay, not that far. But far enough into Northern Minnesota. Sitting out on the boat, line in the water, fishing for walleye, hoping you get walleye and not "bait" (Tiny perch), or "salad". (Seaweed...errr...lakeweed) Or! The dreaded bullhead. Ugh! My father-in-law caught one of those once when I was on the boat. I'd heard stories, and they're all true! It was lying at the bottom of the boat, making this gross, ugly sound. They finally tossed it overboard once they got the hook out. Then! 15 minutes later my brother-in-law caught the same bullhead! It'll be fun to hang around with family and just relax and enjoy. Jason's looking forward to playing with his niece and nephews. And brand new second cousin! Holy smokes, kids all over the place.
That's all for work day down, four more to go till vacation. (yay!) I leave you with a photo of our nephew from last Thanksgiving...who calls us "Unca Jason" and "Aunt Cereal". Hey, I'll be Aunt Cereal! :)
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