That's all I can really say right now...whew. So...let us begin at the beguine(sp?)
Last November, Jason had an offer to be the news director at a set of stations up in Columbus, Nebraska...about an hour and twenty minutes west of Omaha. They're owned by the same company as the stations he worked at in Lincoln. After some deliberation, and some of my prodding, Jason decided to take the job. So, that set me off on my search to find a job in the same town. It's difficult to find a job that suits you best when you're going from a town of 400,000 to a town of 20,000. So now, I'm one of the traffic directors at the same place Jason works. No, that doesn't mean I'm up in the helicopter telling people about accidents happening at the intersection of Route 30 and 81. It means that I enter the contracts for commercials into the computer, and then schedule said commercials for each day. (Can't play two fast food joints' commercials back to back, or car dealerships, etc.) We moved into town on April 1st. (insert joke about April's Fool here) We're renting a house now, which we absolutely adore! The only thing I have a slight complaint about is no dishwasher. Yes, I was spoiled for five years with a dishwasher at the apartments.
Unfortunately, this past summer, we weren't able to take our annual trip up to Minnesota. Changing jobs means you also start over with your vacation. :( We did get to go to visit my parents in Chicago, though, which was a treat. Got to go see a Cubs game!.....and that night they lost the one game they lost in the series against the Reds. Tough luck concerning that.
There really isn't any other earth shattering news going on right now. But...there's my update. Here's hoping it isn't another year and two months before I post again. :)